
Alejandro García Magos PhD

Economist and Political Scientist

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I'm a writer, social scientist and survey specialist.

I'm Alejandro García Magos, a Political Science Lecturer at the University of Toronto and a Research Specialist at RIWI. I assist global researchers in using innovative survey technology to answer their questions.


  • Ph.D., University of Toronto
  • M.A., University of Calgary
  • B.A., Universidad Iberoamericana, Mexico City


  • Survey research
  • Research Design
  • Comparative Politics
  • Development Studies
  • Latin American Studies
  • Democracy and Authoritarianism


My articles

My articles have been featured in top media outlets around the world. Additionally, I hold the position of Senior Editor at Global Brief Magazine. Explore them in this link.

My courses

I have extensive teaching experience, covering courses such as research methods, democratic theory, and comparative politics. Check out the trailer for one of my current courses at the University of Toronto's Munk School of Global Affairs & Public Policy: Fragile Foundations. State Weakness, Violence, and Democratic Decay in Latin America

My work at

Long-Term Clients:

I assist researchers worldwide in using a unique survey technology to gather significant amounts of human sentiment data for their research questions.

RIWI’s methodology has been proven and tested by leading institutions such as Harvard University, the University of Toronto, Boston University, among others.

In summary, I assist researchers in accomplishing their research objectives through survey methodologies. Additionally, I provide insights into the economy and politics of Latin America. Se habla español.

Let's collaborate. Contact me to explore opportunities.


33 Bloor St E.

5th Floor

Toronto, ON

M4W 3H1

Work Email


Academic and media inquiries
